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A Pacman game agent that uses a modified version of the Monte-Carlo Tree Search to play the game

Model-Based Monte Carlo Tree Search for Pacman

Authors: @chiragvartak, @NeilFranks, @fmendoz7
GitHub repository: monte-carlo-pacman
Video demonstration: Monte Carlo Pacman


In the past few years, the Monte Carlo Tree Search, has yielded exceptional results in two-player board games. In this project we use the Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm to play the game of Pacman. Using a model-based version of the original algorithm, we show that even with very limited domain information, the MCTS easily outperforms other adversarial search algorithms like Minimax and Expectimax. Our results are presented for several different types of layouts to show that with a minimal feature-based representation, MCTS works effectively well on previously unseen, drastically different maps.


Tree search based algorithms have been shown to give good results for two-player zero-sum games. Algorithms like Minimax explore the game tree to find the best moves that lead to winning positions. However, Minimax, even with optimisation techniques like Alpha-Beta pruning, has several limitations, and requires a huge amount of computational resources, due to the fact that it must explore a significant amount of the game tree, if not all of it (without Alpha-Beta pruning). It assumes that the opponent is perfectly rational; it will always play a perfect game and it always plans for worst case scenarios. Minimax, along with Expectimax, also relies on a good state evaluation function, which is challenging to implement and is only effective to a certain depth [1] .

While such tree search algorithms were responsible for beating the world’s top players in certain games with a relatively limited branching factor, (chess possessing 10123 possible moves), such algorithms could not best other games with a sufficiently high branching factor (such as Go, possessing 10360 possible moves [2]). This explains how IBM’s DeepBlue computer infamously bested Garry Kasparov in the game of Chess utilizing the Alpha-Beta tree search algorithm, but how AI research was unable to produce a sufficiently rigorous and consistent approach to best the game of Go nineteen years after DeepBlue’s victory.

In recent years, several Monte-Carlo tree search algorithms [3] have emerged and have been deployed successfully in several games. This allowed DeepMind’s AlphaGo to best the reigning world champion of Go, Lee Sedol, by 4-1. AlphaGo’s successor, AlphaZero, bested its predecessor in an adversarial set of games, by 100-0. Since the game of Pacman is much smaller in the total number of actions possible on any layout and due to its domain-independent nature, Monte Carlo can very easily clear it; without relying on the excessive computational power required by other algorithms. For this project, we have implemented a model-based derivative of Monte Carlo Tree Search, which can learn well with a small number of simulations.


The Monte Carlo Tree Search [4] is superior to previous algorithms, as it is able to make its own evaluation function through sufficient experience and is domain-independent, allowing it to be deployed in a variety of games. As outlined in the figure below, Monte Carlo Tree Search is comprised of four steps: Selection, Playout, Expansion, and Backpropagation.

Monte Carlo Tree Search Process
Fig. 1: Monte Carlo Tree Search Process [4]

It is intended to learn to play a game by itself with only the state information given, and through multiple simulations, the search gives us the best moves for a particular state. The drawback to this, however, is that, many times, a large number of simulations are required to achieve a decent performance. This implies the need for huge computational power. Our aim in this project was to find a way to design a version of MCTS that would do reasonably well even with a relatively small number of simulations. We did not plan to rely on raw computational power to achieve good performance. This imposed some constraints on us, such as the feature state space could not be unfeasibly large. Pure MCTS would require exponentially more time to explore a reasonable amount of states the required number of times, so we elected to modify pure MCTS into a model-based MCTS in our project.

Technical Approach

The Monte Carlo Tree Search relies on repeated simulations of the game to heuristically explore states that it finds more promising. Because during a simulation “rollout” it plays the game all the way to the end, it does not rely on an evaluation function to differentiate between good and bad states. Even so, it does suffer from limitations for the Pacman game domain. Within the initial stages of development, we first tried to implement a pure Monte Carlo Tree Search, exactly as it was described in the paper. We then realized this approach was untenable for practical development, as the requisite computation to successfully run Pacman games on large environment sets would be infeasible within a reasonable amount of time, due to the limitations of our own individual machines, in stark contrast to the sheer computational firepower DeepMind’s AlphaGo had to bear from its advanced hardware when it deployed MCTS.

A Pacman game layout with only two ghosts can have a branching factor as large as 80 (5 Pacman moves x 4 ghost1 moves x 4 ghost2 moves). Thus, a real-time MCTS [5], with limited computational power, will find it difficult to achieve good results. We then revised our solution, which was based on the following points:

Results, Analyses and Discussions

To measure the effectiveness of out approach, we implemented an MCTS agent which chose its actions according to a model we provided it with. To obtain the model, we had to run training simulations. The training was done on a custom layout that was very small and simple, which allowed many simulations to be done in a short period of time. Because the dimensionality of the feature-based games states were so low, this simple layout below was able to produce every unique state that the model was capable of seeing.

Fig. 2: One of the training layouts used by the MCTS agent

To prove that the simple layout was capable of producing every possible game state, we must first discuss how our feature-based game state is computed. First, we feed the raw game state into a function which extracts just two features:

With the categorical feature having 4 possible values, and the binary having 2, that gives us eight combinations. But our full feature-based game state recorded a game state as the combination of these two features along with the actual action Pacman took. Given any combination of the categorical and binary features, the Pacman could choose to make one of 5 moves (North, South, East, West, and Stop), so the total number of unique feature-based game states is 40. It is expected that our model-based Monte Carlo implementation would explore all forty of these states quickly, and we were able to confirm that all forty of them are eventually represented by querying a model that was trained on 10,000 simulations. As an aside, we queried this model for the node which had the most and least visits, and the most and least wins:

From this information, we can draw a conclusion that our algorithm, using our modified UCT formula, is performing well in terms of balancing exploration and exploitation, a crucial element of MCTS. Furthermore, we can confirm the data contained in the model makes sense intuitively, especially since the simple custom layout we used to train on was predisposed to expose Pacman situations where the nearest food was to the North, and least of all to situations where the nearest food was to the East (see Fig. 2). Though this layout functioned successfully as a training ground, in future implementations we would employ this layout in conjunction with rotated and transposed versions of it in our training, to give Pacman roughly equal exposure to all possible states. It stands to reason that if we had done this, we may have obtained successful models even more quickly than we did.

Additionally, with our game state being characterized by these features, it was possible to train a model on a layout containing just one ghost, and apply it to layouts with two, three, or four ghosts.

After training on the simple-and-fast custom layout, we then measured our agent’s win percentage for 100 “real” games, using a model trained on 100, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, and 100,000 simulations. These real games were played on two different layouts: a very simple layout testClassic which has wide open space and one ghost, and a more complex layout smallClassic which has twists, turns, tight spaces, and two ghosts.

It is clear from the results below that the model’s performance continuously improved as it was subjected to further training, with an especially significant improvement from 10,000 to 100,000 simulations on the more complex smallClassic. After 100,000 training simulations, a model allowed our MCTS Agent to play testClassic and smallClassic with 100% and 93% accuracy respectively. Running 100,000 training simulations took roughly 30 minutes.

Fig. 3: Win percentage for two layouts against number of simulations

Furthermore, an MCTS Agent with 100,000 training simulations drastically out-performed agents using Minimax, AlphaBeta, and Expectimax algorithms (all using depth=3) in terms of average score, average time per game, and win percentage. The difference was most striking in average time per game; model-based MCTS consistently took a fraction of the time the other algorithms took to compute. As a result, on large layouts where Minimax, AlphaBeta, and Expectimax agents timed out after 30 seconds, the MCTS Agent was able to finish, and receive high scores.

Fig. 4: Average score for progressively harder layouts
Fig. 5: Average game time for different layouts
Fig. 6: Win percentage for the layouts

In the graphs shown above, no bar is presented if the agent timed out after 30 seconds on the layout. The mediumClassic and bigClassic layouts are incrementally larger layouts containing two ghosts. The trickyMaze layout is a large winding layout containing one ghost and no food except for one pellet placed in each of the far corners. Finally, openClassic2 is a large, open space containing lots of food and four ghosts. Evidently, bigClassic, trickyMaze, and openClassic2 became too computationally expensive for any agent to compute within a 30-second timeout, other than the MCTS agent. This points to a key take-away regarding our implementation of a model-based MCTS: if we took the time to train a sufficient model, then the games could be completed much more quickly and effectively than could be done using the real-time algorithms which we compared against.


Here we show how the Pacman improves when trained on an incremental number of games. We choose the below layout smallClassic as it is not too trivial, and also is challenging enough for us to notice improvements.

With only 1 training game, the agent does as bad as we might expect it to. The Pacman has figured out that it is beneficial to move, but he always moves left.

Pacman playing a game with 1 training game

With 10 training games, the Pacman has gained some understanding that it should avoid the ghosts, but does not do very well to gather all foods, and gets stuck.

Pacman playing a game with 10 training game

With 100 training games, the Pacman now knows that it has to gather all foods, but still does a poor job of avoiding the ghosts.

Pacman playing a game with 100 training game

With 1000 training games, the Pacman now does a significantly better job of avoiding the ghosts, but there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Pacman playing a game with 1000 training game

With 10,000 training games the Pacman can now almost always avoid the ghosts, and actually manages to win.

Pacman playing a game with 10000 training game

With 1,000,000 games, the Pacman now wins almost all games. Here is one such game:

Pacman playing a game with 1 million training game

The Pacman can also easily now win on much larger and complicated layouts too.

Pacman playing a game on mediumClassic

How well the Pacman does in intensely complex and difficult layouts can be seen when we let him play on the openClassic2 layout:

Pacman playing a game on mediumClassic

Conclusions and Discussions

In summary, our research highlighted the utility of Monte Carlo Tree Search, its fundamental design tenets that enabled it to succeed in a wide variety of more open-ended games, and how we were able to successfully modify it in the form of a model-based MCTS to not just clear many layouts of the Pacman game which the model had not seen during training, but to achieve high scores at a much quicker pace compared to the agents employing Minimax, AlphaBeta, and Expectimax algorithms. We did not find a layout that was able to stump our MCTS agent, due to the clever design of feature-based game states and its applicability to any conditions. Finally, though we have demonstrated the effectiveness of our design and training process, during analysis we identified a key area where our training process may be improved; namely, by training on combinations of rotated and transposed versions of the training layouts.


[1] Norvig, P. and Russel S. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Prentice Hall, (2002): 163–171

[2] Gelly, Sylvain, et al. “The grand challenge of computer Go: Monte Carlo tree search and extensions.” Communications of the ACM 55.3 (2012): 106-113.

[3] Browne, Cameron B., et al. “A survey of monte carlo tree search methods.” IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in games 4.1 (2012): 1-43.

[4] Chaslot, Guillaume, et al. “Monte-Carlo Tree Search: A New Framework for Game AI.” AIIDE. 2008

[5] Pepels, Tom, Mark HM Winands, and Marc Lanctot. “Real-time monte carlo tree search in ms pac-man.” IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in games 6.3 (2014): 245-257.